Park Tool Keskiötyökalu BBT-18

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Hinta: 29,00 2900 42,00 € 4200
Määrä: kpl

Park Tool keskiötyökalu BBT-18

8-hampainen keskiötyökalu, joka sopii osaan Shimano Octalink ja Bontrager ISIS -keskiöistä, Bosch Gen 3 ja 4 -eturattaan lukkorenkaisiin sekä Specialized/Brose eturattaan lukkorenkaisiin.

  • 8 hammasta, hampaan leveys n. 3,9 mm
  • Ulkohalkaisija 43,4 mm
  • Sisähalkaisija 38 mm
  • Keskireikä 22,5 mm (ei sovi 30 mm akseleihin)
  • Väännin 36 mm kiintoavain


The BBT-18 is a heavy duty investment-cast tool for removing and installing components with an eight-notch tool fitting, including select cartridge bottom brackets, as well as chainring lockrings on some e-bike drivetrains.



Installs and removes the following components with eight-notch tool fittings:

  • Shimano® Octalink® drive-side bottom bracket cups with external notches
  • ISIS Drive bottom bracket cups including Truvativ® and Bontrager®
  • Front chainring lockring for Bosch® Gen 3 and Gen 4 e-bike systems
  • Front chainring lockring for Specialized® Levo Brose e-bike systems

Tool specifications:

  • 8 notches with a nominal outside diameter of 43.4 mm
  • The hole in the center of the casting is 22.5 mm, and will not fit over 30 mm spindles
  • Features 36 mm wrench flats
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